Material Rental Fees
Rent and take home your favorite movies and audio books FOR FREE without any hassle.
Item Check Out Period
DVDs 1 week
Audiobooks (CDs) 3 weeks
Childrens' book/CD combo 3 weeks
Overdue Item Fees
Library patrons are expected to return their borrowed items on time. If an item is not returned on time, there is a small fee that will be accessed for each day that the item is past-due.
Adult Books, DVDs, Audiobooks – $0.25/day or $10 max
Children and Young Adults Books, DVDs, Audiobooks – $0.15/day or $10 max
Museum and Garden Passes - Usually $25.00/day. There are exceptions. Please see the Museum and Garden Passes page for more information.
Starting June 1, 2022 we will no longer accept debit or credit cards for transactions less than $5.00.