Fax and Printing Services
Printing and faxing services at CAPL are easy and convenient.
Patrons must have a valid library card within the Chester County Library system to use a public computer to print, or you can print from your phone without using one of our computers.
Mobile Printing
You can now print directly from your phone without needing to log into our computers. You must:
- Be logged into our WiFi network
- Send an email, with any attachments you need, from your phone to print@ricohprintcloud.com. You will receive two reply emails with 6-digit numeric codes. One of the replies is to print the email itself, and the other is to print the attachments.
- At our public printer enter your code, deposit your payment, press Start, and you're done!
Types of Printing
- Black and White Copies - $0.15
- Color Printing - $0.50
Sending a Fax - $2.00
- $2 for first page, $1 for every page after. Cover Sheet is provided free of charge.
Receiving a Fax - $1.00
- To receive a fax, $1 per page. Fax number is 610-384-7551.
Fax and Printing
Free Wi-Fi
CAPL provides free wireless internet (Wi-Fi) access to all library visitors with or without a library card.
For patrons without their own devices, we offer desktop computers available for patrons use. A valid Chester County Library System library card is required to access the public computers. Ask at the Circulation Desk to obtain your personal library card.
Free Wifi
Our Library Cards
You are eligible for a free library card if you live, work, own property or attend school in Chester County.
Out-of-county residents who are ACCESS PA cardholders qualify for a free library card under the ACCESS PA Statewide Library card program. For all others who wish to obtain a library card, but do not meet the eligibility requirements listed above, an Out-of-County fee of up to $20 may apply.
Get Your Library Card
Complete your application form and bring it to any Chester County Library along with a valid ID (i.e., driver's license) verifying your current address. Photo ID is preferred but not required, as long as the document has address information. Children may use a parent or guardian ID with a matching address.
Sign your library card application. Applicants must be present at the library to sign for their new card. The application of a minor younger than 18 years of age must be signed by a parent or guardian.
Apply online using https://www.ccls.org/275/Get-a-Library-Card.
Benefits of a Library Card
- Online databases
- Books and audiobooks
- Magazines
- Video Streaming Services
- Music
- Business information
- PC use
- DVDs / Blu-ray discs
Access to materials, museum passes, ebooks, audiobooks and databases begins as soon as you receive your card. So come in today and sign up for your card, within minutes you’ll open the door to a world of new adventures!
Library Cards
Museum & Garden Passes
Coatesville Library does Museum Passes a little differently than other libraries in Chester County. Our passes are loaned on a first-come, first-served basis with no reservations. Our passes are loaned for 5 days (sometimes limited to 3-days during peak seasons) and cannot be renewed. Passes must be returned to the Circulation Desk during library hours.
Museum Passes
- Longwood Gardens
- Brandywine Conservancy and Museum of Art
- American Helicopter Museum & Education Center
- Elmwood Park Zoo
- The Academy of Natural Sciences of Drexel University
- Penn Museum
Room Rentals
- The Coatesville Area Public Library (CAPL) allows room rentals for businesses, community organizations, and individuals during library operating hours only.
- All requests for room rentals must be submitted in advance for approval and to avoid conflict with regularly scheduled library programs.
- Rooms may be reserved up to two (2) months or at least a week in advance, with accompanying paperwork and payment.
- Chairs and tables are available for use.
- Come to the library to secure a room and let us know your needs. We’re happy to help with meetings, seminars, and parties.
- For inquiries regarding room rentals, please give us a call at 6103844115.
Room Rates
All fees must be paid when reservations are made.
Community Room fits 50-75 guests for $180
- Add kitchen use for $190
- The “Budzik” Room fits 35-45 guests for $175
Room Rules
- Organizations or individuals are responsible for their own actions and those of their guests. The organization or individual who schedules the room rental assumes all responsibility for any damage incurred while in use.
- A rental agreement does not constitute endorsement of any organization/business or usage of library equipment.
- Alcoholic beverages, narcotics, smoking, or vaping are strictly prohibited on library grounds.
- NO BALLOONS OF ANY KIND ARE ALLOWED anywhere on the library property due to severe latex allergies. Staff have the authority to remove balloons or other allergens from the library immediately.
- Renters are responsible for the disposal of trash and necessary clean-up upon conclusion of their event. Trash bags will be provided. All trash must be bagged and taken outside to the bins behind the library. One bin is for regular trash, the other is for recyclables.
- All events must end 20 minutes before the library closes. All participants and trash must be out of the building 10 minutes before the library closes. CAPL reserves the right to revoke permission for use at any time.

Request A Room