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Meeting & Event Rooms

Room Rentals
The Coatesville Area Public Library (CAPL) allows room rentals for businesses, community organizations, and individuals during library operating hours only.
All requests for room rentals must be submitted in advance for approval and to avoid conflict with regularly scheduled library programs.
Rooms may be reserved up to two (2) months or at least a week in advance, with accompanying paperwork and payment.
Chairs and tables are available for use.
Come to the library to secure a room and let us know your needs. We’re happy to help with meetings, seminars, and parties.
For inquiries regarding room rentals, please give us a call at 610-384-4115.
Capacity | Rate (sales tax included) | |
Community Room | 50-75 | $180 |
with kitchen use | $190 | |
Budzik Room | 35-45 | $175 |
All fees must be paid when reservations are made.
- Organizations or individuals are responsible for their own actions and those of their guests. The organization or individual who schedules the room rental assumes all responsibility for any damage incurred while in use.
- A rental agreement does not constitute endorsement of any organization/business or usage of library equipment.
- Alcoholic beverages, narcotics, smoking, or vaping are strictly prohibited on library grounds.
- NO BALLOONS OF ANY KIND ARE ALLOWED anywhere on the library property due to severe latex allergies. Staff have authority to remove balloons or other allergens from the library immediately.
- Renters are responsible for disposal of trash and necessary clean-up upon conclusion of their event. Trash bags will be provided. All trash must be bagged and taken outside to the bins behind the library. One bin is for regular trash, the other is for recyclables.
- All events must end 20 minutes before the library closes. All participants and trash must be out of the building 10 minutes before the library closes. CAPL reserves the right to revoke permission for use at any time.